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Get species checklist data from GBIF with rgbif

How to use rgbif function `name_usage()` to get species checklist data from GBIF as well as some other rgbif tips.


The R package rgbif is a R wrapper to the GBIF API which allows you to get data from GBIF directly in your R session. The package is very well documented. Please, look at the articles on how to:

  1. setup your GBIF username and password
  2. get occurrence data
  3. work with taxonomy related functions
  4. match and download a long species list

So, why write another tutorial about rgbif? Because I think you can benefit from these short instructions to get a (species) checklist dataset from GBIF without having to read through all the documentation.

library(tidyverse)    # To do datascience
library(rgbif)        # To lookup names in the GBIF backbone taxonomy

Retrieve a GBIF checklist dataset in R

You want to load the Validated red lists of Flanders, Belgium checklist in your R session.

The URL of this checklist contains important information: the datasetKey, which is the alphanumeric string following the prefix In our case:

datasetKey <- "fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9"

You need to run the name_usage() rgbif function using the argument datasetKey

red_list <- name_usage(datasetKey = datasetKey)

You get a list of two:

## [1] "meta" "data"

The slot meta contains metadata:

## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##   offset limit endOfRecords
##    <int> <int> <lgl>       
## 1      0   100 FALSE

which are sometimes very important! In our case, for example, we can see that we didn’t download all the data as endOfRecords is FALSE. The reason is that name_usage has an argument called limit which is the number of records to return. The default value is 100.

To get all the taxa we need to specify a sufficiently high number, e.g. 10000. The hard limit of the API is ten times bigger, 100k, which is an extremely high number for such kind of datasets:

red_list <- name_usage(datasetKey = datasetKey, limit = 10000)

Now we should have all taxa:

## [1] TRUE

Let’s check the taxa in slot data:

key nubKey nameKey taxonID kingdom phylum order family genus species kingdomKey phylumKey classKey orderKey familyKey genusKey speciesKey datasetKey parentKey parent scientificName canonicalName authorship nameType rank origin taxonomicStatus nomenclaturalStatus numDescendants lastCrawled lastInterpreted issues synonym class
152624576 2020551 8883304 INBO_RL_WBU_2013_VAL_45 Animalia Arthropoda Hemiptera Pleidae Plea Plea minutissima 196630267 196630270 196630271 196631222 196631224 196631225 152624576 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196631225 Plea Plea minutissima Plea minutissima SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:12.315+00:00 FALSE Insecta
152624577 4926451 5755267 INBO_RL_PLA_2006_VAL_537 Plantae Tracheophyta Isoetales Isoetaceae Isoetes Isoetes echinospora 196630540 196631273 196632770 196632772 196632774 196632775 152624577 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196632775 Isoetes Isoetes echinospora Durieu Isoetes echinospora Durieu SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:17.826+00:00 FALSE Lycopsida
152624582 5152464 9652230 INBO_RL_WBU_2013_VAL_46 Animalia Arthropoda Hemiptera Nepidae Ranatra Ranatra linearis 196630267 196630270 196630271 196631222 196631276 196631281 152624582 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196631281 Ranatra Ranatra linearis Ranatra linearis SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:12.567+00:00 FALSE Insecta
152624585 2688345 6532778 INBO_RL_PLA_2006_VAL_628 Plantae Tracheophyta Lycopodiales Lycopodiaceae Lycopodiella Lycopodiella inundata 196630540 196631273 196632770 196632777 196632778 196632782 152624585 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196632782 Lycopodiella Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:17.840+00:00 FALSE Lycopsida
152624586 5152456 7481479 INBO_RL_WBU_2013_VAL_37 Animalia Arthropoda Hemiptera Nepidae Nepa Nepa cinerea 196630267 196630270 196630271 196631222 196631276 196631278 152624586 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196631278 Nepa Nepa cinerea Nepa cinerea SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:12.561+00:00 FALSE Insecta
152624589 2688393 6533650 INBO_RL_PLA_2006_VAL_630 Plantae Tracheophyta Lycopodiales Lycopodiaceae Lycopodium Lycopodium clavatum 196630540 196631273 196632770 196632777 196632778 196632787 152624589 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196632787 Lycopodium Lycopodium clavatum L. Lycopodium clavatum L. SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:17.851+00:00 FALSE Lycopsida
152624591 2688369 6532520 INBO_RL_PLA_2006_VAL_629 Plantae Tracheophyta Lycopodiales Lycopodiaceae Lycopodium Lycopodium annotinum 196630540 196631273 196632770 196632777 196632778 196632787 152624591 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196632787 Lycopodium Lycopodium annotinum L. Lycopodium annotinum L. SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:17.849+00:00 FALSE Lycopsida
152624592 4485490 7623379 INBO_RL_WBU_2013_VAL_43 Animalia Arthropoda Hemiptera Notonectidae Notonecta Notonecta viridis 196630267 196630270 196630271 196631222 196631298 196631299 152624592 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196631299 Notonecta Notonecta viridis Notonecta viridis SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:12.626+00:00 FALSE Insecta
152624594 2020518 7623100 INBO_RL_WBU_2013_VAL_40 Animalia Arthropoda Hemiptera Notonectidae Notonecta Notonecta maculata 196630267 196630270 196630271 196631222 196631298 196631299 152624594 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196631299 Notonecta Notonecta maculata Notonecta maculata SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:12.615+00:00 FALSE Insecta
152624595 2688495 19956112 INBO_RL_PLA_2006_VAL_515 Plantae Tracheophyta Lycopodiales Lycopodiaceae Huperzia Huperzia selago 196630540 196631273 196632770 196632777 196632778 196632785 152624595 fc18b0b1-8777-4c8a-8cb8-f9f15870d6a9 196632785 Huperzia Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank et C.F.P. Mart. Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & C.F.P.Mart. SCIENTIFIC SPECIES SOURCE ACCEPTED NA 0 2022-11-24T03:04:58.029+00:00 2022-07-09T09:43:17.844+00:00 FALSE Lycopsida

But what do those keys stay for?

  • key (sometimes called taxonKey) is the taxon identifier assigned by GBIF. The same taxon in different checklists will have a different key.
  • taxonID is the taxon identifier as provided by the authors. The authors should keep it stable between publications.
  • nubKey is the taxon identifier within the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy dataset, or simply backbone. The same taxon in different checklists will have the same nubKey. The link between the taxon in the checklist and the taxon in the backbone is automatically created by GBIF behind the scenes when publishing a checklist. You can control the match before publication of course, by using the gbif match utility in rgbif (see the vignette match and download a long species list) or the GBIF data validator web tool.
  • kingdomKey, phylumKey, classKey, orderKey, familyKey, genusKey, speciesKey, parentKey: keys referring to the taxon classification as proposed in the checklist dataset. Notice that if the taxon is a species, key and speciesKey are the same. Keep in mind that the classication can be different than the classification in the backbone. Not all checklists are published with such detailed taxonomic classification. For example, the LIFE RIPARIAS target species list contains only the kingdom the taxa belong to. So, only kingdomKey and speciesKey are present.

Notice also that all these taxonomic related keys point to specific web pages on the GBIF website. You need only to add the prefix For example, the first taxon has key 152624576 and the corresponding webpage is, while its nubkey, 2020551, points to the webpage of the taxon as mentioned in the backbone:

Now, let’s check how many taxa you got:

## [1] 4771

However, the webpage on GBIF says 3036 records

Who lies?!? Nobody, actually. The reason is the taxonomic classification added to each taxon. How to get the 3036 records of the red list? And which taxa are actually part of the added classification? The column origin is what we need!

red_list$data %>%
## # A tibble: 2 × 2
##   origin                      n
##   <chr>                   <int>
## 2 SOURCE                   3063

You need then to filter on origin with value "SOURCE":

red_list_taxa <- red_list$data %>% filter(origin == "SOURCE")
## [1] 3063

Retrieve non taxonomic information from a GBIF checklist in R

A checklist dataset is not always only a list of taxa: it can be enriched by extensions containing information about e.g. the distribution, the species profile or other less strict defined information described in the description extension.

How to get this information in R? Unfortunately, this information is linked to the taxon, not to the checklist dataset as a whole. In other words, you get an error if you try this:

distribution <- name_usage(datasetKey = datasetKey, data = "distribution")
Error in exists(z, private$crul_h_pool) : invalid first argument

You need a loop over all the taxa (key):

distribution <- 
  red_list_taxa %>% 
  pull(key) %>%
  map_dfr(., function(x) {
    distribution_details <-name_usage(x, data = "distribution")


taxonKey locationId locality country temporal threatStatus establishmentMeans source remarks
152624576 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2013 LEAST_CONCERN NATIVE Lock et al. (2013) Momenteel niet in gevaar
152624577 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2006 CRITICALLY_ENDANGERED NATIVE Van Landuyt et al. (2006) Met verdwijning bedreigd
152624582 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2013 LEAST_CONCERN NATIVE Lock et al. (2013) Momenteel niet in gevaar
152624585 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2006 LEAST_CONCERN NATIVE Van Landuyt et al. (2006) Momenteel niet bedreigd
152624586 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2013 LEAST_CONCERN NATIVE Lock et al. (2013) Momenteel niet in gevaar
152624589 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2006 ENDANGERED NATIVE Van Landuyt et al. (2006) Bedreigd
152624591 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2006 REGIONALLY_EXTINCT NATIVE Van Landuyt et al. (2006) Verdwenen uit Vlaanderen en het Brussels Gewest
152624592 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2013 LEAST_CONCERN NATIVE Lock et al. (2013) Momenteel niet in gevaar
152624594 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2013 LEAST_CONCERN NATIVE Lock et al. (2013) Momenteel niet in gevaar
152624595 ISO_3166:BE-VLG Flanders BE 2006 CRITICALLY_ENDANGERED NATIVE Van Landuyt et al. (2006) Met verdwijning bedreigd

This step is slower than retrieving the taxonomic information as we need 3036 calls to the API, one per taxon, instead of one.

Can you find this information on the GBIF website? Of course! All information about the extensions is shown on the taxon page. Below a screenshot showing the section related to the distribution extension for Plea minutissima (key: 152624576):

Cite the checklist dataset

If the (checklist) dataset you used is worth to be cited, you can retrieve the citation by running gbif_citation() function:

gbif_citation(x = datasetKey)
## <<rgbif citation>>
##    Citation: Maes D, Brosens D, T’jollyn F, Desmet P, Piesschaert F, Van Hoey
##         S, Adriaens T, Dekoninck W, Devos K, Lock K, Onkelinx T, Packet J,
##         Speybroeck J, Thomaes A, Van Den Berge K, Van Landuyt W, Verreycken H
##         (2020). Validated red lists of Flanders, Belgium. Version 1.7. Research
##         Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Checklist dataset
## accessed via on 2022-12-15..
##         Accessed from R via rgbif ( on
##         2022-12-15
##    Rights:

INBO datasets on GBIF

INBO is an official GBIF publisher. Do you want to know which datasets have been published so far by INBO? You can have a look via this link:

You can finetune the search by selecting the type of the datasets. For example, for checklist datasets:

Can you do this in R? Of course. Use the rgbif function dataset_search() specifying INBO’s ID as publishing organization. Again, you get a list with two slots, meta and data. Guess where the datasets are :-)

INBO_datasets <- dataset_search(
  publishingOrg = "1cd669d0-80ea-11de-a9d0-f1765f95f18b"
## # A tibble: 92 × 8
##    datasetTitle            datas…¹ type  hosti…² hosti…³ publi…⁴ publi…⁵ publi…⁶
##    <chr>                   <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
##  1 Florabank1 - A grid-ba… 271c44… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  2 LBBG_ZEEBRUGGE - Lesse… 355b8f… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  3 DAISIE - Inventory of … 39f36f… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  4 HG_OOSTENDE - Herring … 6c860e… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  5 Watervogels - Winterin… 7f9eb6… SAMP… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  6 RINSE - Registry of no… 3f5e93… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  7 O_VLIELAND - Eurasian … cd1590… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  8 Vlinderdatabank - Butt… 7888f6… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  9 VIS - Fishes in inland… 823dc5… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## 10 Broedvogels - Atlas of… 81c5a0… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## # … with 82 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​datasetKey,
## #   ²​hostingOrganization, ³​hostingOrganizationKey, ⁴​publishingOrganization,
## #   ⁵​publishingOrganizationKey, ⁶​publishingCountry

To finetune the search as we did online, use type argument:

INBO_checklists <- dataset_search(
  publishingOrg = "1cd669d0-80ea-11de-a9d0-f1765f95f18b",
  type = "checklist"
## # A tibble: 15 × 8
##    datasetTitle            datas…¹ type  hosti…² hosti…³ publi…⁴ publi…⁵ publi…⁶
##    <chr>                   <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
##  1 DAISIE - Inventory of … 39f36f… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  2 RINSE - Registry of no… 3f5e93… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  3 Validated red lists of… fc18b0… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  4 Non-validated red list… 2fc239… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  5 Ad hoc checklist of al… 1f3505… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  6 National checklists an… f9af6f… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  7 Checklist of alien bir… e1c3be… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  8 RINSE - Pathways and v… 1738f2… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  9 Registry of introduced… e082b1… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## 10 Checklist of alien her… a12e2b… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## 11 Checklist of alien spe… 222119… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## 12 Red list of dragonflie… 72aa79… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## 13 RIPARIAS target specie… fd004d… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## 14 Checklist of non-nativ… 98940a… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## 15 Checklist of alien par… 2c0fb6… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​datasetKey, ²​hostingOrganization,
## #   ³​hostingOrganizationKey, ⁴​publishingOrganization,
## #   ⁵​publishingOrganizationKey, ⁶​publishingCountry

INBO as hosting organization

INBO is not only a GBIF publisher. It also hosts GBIF data for many other organisations. How to get all hosted datasets? By selecting INBO in the field “Host”:


In R, by using the argument hostingOrg within function dataset_search():

datasets_hosted_by_inbo <- dataset_search(
  hostingOrg = "1cd669d0-80ea-11de-a9d0-f1765f95f18b",
  limit = 1000)
## # A tibble: 117 × 8
##    datasetTitle            datas…¹ type  hosti…² hosti…³ publi…⁴ publi…⁵ publi…⁶
##    <chr>                   <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
##  1 - Bird… e7cbb0… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Natuur… 4d3cee… BE     
##  2 Florabank1 - A grid-ba… 271c44… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  3 - Plan… bfc6fe… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Natuur… 4d3cee… BE     
##  4 LBBG_ZEEBRUGGE - Lesse… 355b8f… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  5 DAISIE - Inventory of … 39f36f… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  6 - Butt… 1f968e… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Natuur… 4d3cee… BE     
##  7 / obse… 2c38cf… CHEC… Resear… 1cd669… Natuur… 4d3cee… BE     
##  8 HG_OOSTENDE - Herring … 6c860e… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
##  9 - Non-… 9a0b66… OCCU… Resear… 1cd669… Natuur… 4d3cee… BE     
## 10 Watervogels - Winterin… 7f9eb6… SAMP… Resear… 1cd669… Resear… 1cd669… BE     
## # … with 107 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​datasetKey,
## #   ²​hostingOrganization, ³​hostingOrganizationKey, ⁴​publishingOrganization,
## #   ⁵​publishingOrganizationKey, ⁶​publishingCountry

Notice again the limit argument with a sufficiently high number as value. Exercise: check the meta slot to check if we got all records.

Which publishing organizations host GBIF data at INBO?

datasets_hosted_by_inbo$data %>%
## # A tibble: 8 × 1
##   publishingOrganization                            
##   <chr>                                             
## 1 Natuurpunt                                        
## 2 Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)   
## 3 Invasive Species Specialist Group ISSG            
## 4 Flanders Environment Agency (VMM)                 
## 5 Province East Flanders                            
## 6 Ghent University                                  
## 7 RATO vzw                                          
## 8 Agency for Nature and Forests (Flemish Government)

A nerdy touch: the GBIF API output

We said at the beginning of this tutorial that the information you get via rgbif is harvested by using the GBIF API. So, the question is: can you see the API output on the web as well? Answer is YES! You need some prefixes and again the values in the field key. Below we use the taxon Plea minutissima (key: 152624576) as example:

  1. taxonomic information:
  2. distribution information:
  3. description information:

And the checklist dataset? Here you go: Notice the word dataset instead of species in the prefix.

Notice that all information exposed by the GBIF API is written using the JSON format. To parse it in a humanly readable way, you can use the Google Chrome extension JSON Formatter or another similar extension. The difference is impressive, isn’t?

