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How to use open vector file formats in R: GeoPackage & GeoJSON

A simple tutorial to demonstrate the use of *.gpkg and *.geojson files in R

This tutorial uses a few basic functions from the dplyr and sf packages. While only a few functions are used, you can use the previous hyperlinks to access the tutorials (vignettes) of these packages for more functions and information.

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

You will find a bit more background about ‘why and what’, regarding the considered open standards, in a separate post on this website.

In short, the GeoPackage and GeoJSON formats are ideal for exchange, publication, interoperability & durability and to open science in general.

The below table compares a few vector formats that are currently used a lot. This tutorial focuses on the open formats.

Property GeoPackage GeoJSON RFC7946 Shapefile ESRI geodatabase
Open standard? yes yes no no
Write support by GDAL (OGR) yes yes yes no
Supported OS cross-platform cross-platform cross-platform Windows
Extends non-spatial format: SQLite JSON dBase IV MS Access (for personal gdb)
Text or binary? binary text binary binary
Number of files 1 1 3 or more 1 (personal gdb) / many (file gdb)
Inspect version’s differences in git version control? no yes (but care must be taken) no no
Can store multiple layers? yes no no yes
Multiple geometry types allowed per layer? yes yes no yes
Coordinate reference system (CRS) in file same as input CRS WGS84 same as input CRS same as input CRS

How to make and use GeoPackages (*.gpkg)

Making a GeoPackage from a geospatial sf object in R

As an example, we download a geospatial layer of Special Areas of Conservation in Flanders (version sac_2013-01-18) from Zenodo:

# meeting a great function from the 'inborutils' package:
download_zenodo(doi = "10.5281/zenodo.3386815")

Did you know this: you can visit a website of this dataset by just prefixing the DOI 1 with!

The data source is a shapefile, in this case consisting of 6 different files. Read the geospatial data into R as an sf object, and let’s just keep the essentials (though it doesn’t matter for the GeoPackage):

sac <- 
  read_sf("sac.shp") %>% 
  select(sac_code = GEBCODE,
         sac_name = NAAM,
         subsac_code = DEELGEBIED,
         polygon_id = POLY_ID)

Have a look at its contents by printing the object:

## Simple feature collection with 616 features and 4 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 22084.25 ymin: 153207.4 xmax: 258865 ymax: 243333
## Projected CRS: BD72 / Belgian Lambert 72
## # A tibble: 616 × 5
##    sac_code  sac_name       subsac_code polygon_id                      geometry
##    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>            <int>                 <POLYGON [m]>
##  1 BE2100020 Heesbossen, V… BE2100020-4          1 ((180272.3 243198.7, 180275.…
##  2 BE2100020 Heesbossen, V… BE2100020-2          2 ((178655.5 241042.4, 178602.…
##  3 BE2100024 Vennen, heide… BE2100024-…          3 ((197492.4 234451.4, 197286.…
##  4 BE2100015 Kalmthoutse H… BE2100015-1          4 ((153735.8 228386, 153838.5 …
##  5 BE2100024 Vennen, heide… BE2100024-…          5 ((198272.4 234699, 198568.8 …
##  6 BE2100020 Heesbossen, V… BE2100020-6          6 ((181098 233705.3, 181395.1 …
##  7 BE2100024 Vennen, heide… BE2100024-…          7 ((199185.8 233540.2, 199122.…
##  8 BE2100024 Vennen, heide… BE2100024-…          8 ((199553.4 233061.2, 199141.…
##  9 BE2100024 Vennen, heide… BE2100024-5          9 ((192190.9 232648.7, 192196 …
## 10 BE2100024 Vennen, heide… BE2100024-2         10 ((187597 231264.9, 187549.3 …
## # … with 606 more rows

To write the GeoPackage, we just use the GPKG driver of the powerful GDAL library (supporting most open and some closed formats), which can be elegantly accessed through sf::st_write():

sac %>% 
## Writing layer `sac' to data source `sac.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
## Writing 616 features with 4 fields and geometry type Polygon.

Is that all?
YES :-)

YES :-)

Well, hmmm, if you really want to know a little bit more…

A GeoPackage can contain many layers. So, it is good practice to explicitly define the layer name within the GeoPackage (above, it was automatically called ‘sac’). For example:

sac %>% 
           layer = "special_areas_conservation",
           delete_dsn = TRUE)
## Deleting source `sac.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
## Writing layer `special_areas_conservation' to data source 
##   `sac.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
## Writing 616 features with 4 fields and geometry type Polygon.

Note, delete_dsn was set as TRUE to replace the whole GeoPackage. (There is also a delete_layer argument to overwrite an existing layer with the same name.)

Let’s extract a selection of features from the special_areas_conservation layer, and add it as a second layer into the GeoPackage file:

sac %>% 
  filter(str_detect(sac_name, "Turnhout")) %>% # only polygons having 'Turnhout' in their name field
           layer = "turnhout")
## Writing layer `turnhout' to data source `sac.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
## Writing 16 features with 4 fields and geometry type Polygon.

So yes, adding layers to a GeoPackage is done simply by st_write() again to the same GeoPackage file (by default, delete_dsn is FALSE), and defining the new layer’s name.

So, which layers are available in the GeoPackage?

## Driver: GPKG 
## Available layers:
##                   layer_name geometry_type features fields
## 1 special_areas_conservation       Polygon      616      4
## 2                   turnhout       Polygon       16      4

You see?

Reading a GeoPackage file

Can it become more simple than this?

# (note: the 'layer' argument is unneeded if there's just one layer)
sac_test <- st_read("sac.gpkg",
                    layer = "special_areas_conservation")
## Reading layer `special_areas_conservation' from data source 
##   `/media/floris/DATA/git_repositories/tutorials/content/tutorials/spatial_standards_vector/sac.gpkg' 
##   using driver `GPKG'
## Simple feature collection with 616 features and 4 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 22084.25 ymin: 153207.4 xmax: 258865 ymax: 243333
## Projected CRS: BD72 / Belgian Lambert 72


st_read() is a function of the great sf package – hence the result is an sf object again.

Also other geospatial software will (or should) be able to open the GeoPackage format. It is an open standard, after all!

How to make and use GeoJSON files (*.geojson)

Making a GeoJSON file from a geospatial sf object in R

As another example, let’s download a shapefile of stream habitat 3260 in Flanders (version 1.6):

download_zenodo(doi = "10.5281/zenodo.3386246")

Again: you can visit a website of this dataset by just prefixing the DOI with!

The data source is a shapefile again, in this case consisting of 4 different files. Similar as above, we read the geospatial data into R as an sf object and select a few attributes to work with:

habitatstreams <- 
  read_sf("habitatstreams.shp") %>% 
  select(river_name = NAAM,
         source = BRON)
## Simple feature collection with 560 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: LINESTRING
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 33097.92 ymin: 157529.6 xmax: 254039 ymax: 243444.6
## Projected CRS: BD72 / Belgian Lambert 72
## # A tibble: 560 × 3
##    river_name     source                                                geometry
##    <chr>          <chr>                                         <LINESTRING [m]>
##  1 WOLFPUTBEEK    VMM      (127857.1 167681.2, 127854.9 167684.5, 127844 167688…
##  2 OUDE KALE      VMM      (95737.01 196912.9, 95732.82 196912.4, 95710.38 1969…
##  3 VENLOOP        EcoInv   (169352.7 209314.9, 169358.8 209290.5, 169326.2 2092…
##  4 VENLOOP        EcoInv   (169633.6 209293.5, 169625 209289.2, 169594.4 209321…
##  5 KLEINE NETE    EcoInv   (181087.1 208607.2, 181088.6 208608.1, 181089 208608…
##  6 KLEINE NETE    EcoInv   (180037.4 208360.4, 180038.3 208377.5, 180038.3 2083…
##  7 KLEINE NETE    EcoInv   (180520 208595.7, 180540.5 208607.4, 180541.2 208607…
##  8 KLEINE NETE    EcoInv   (187379.9 209998.8, 187381.3 209998.5, 187381.6 2099…
##  9 RAAMDONKSEBEEK extrapol (183545.5 192409, 183541.9 192406.7, 183541.9 192403…
## 10 KLEINE NETE    EcoInv   (183516.4 208261.7, 183567.3 208279.2, 183567.3 2082…
## # … with 550 more rows

Nowadays, it is recommended to use the more recent and strict RFC7946 implementation of GeoJSON. The previous ‘GeoJSON 2008’ implementation is now obsoleted (see the post on this tutorials website for a bit more background).

The RFC7946 standard is well supported by GDAL’s GeoJSON driver, however GDAL must be given the explicit option RFC7946=YES in order to use it already 2.

Write the GeoJSON file as follows:

habitatstreams %>% 
           layer_options = "RFC7946=YES")
## Writing layer `habitatstreams' to data source 
##   `habitatstreams.geojson' using driver `GeoJSON'
## options:        RFC7946=YES 
## Writing 560 features with 2 fields and geometry type Line String.

Done creating!

Do I look good?

Hey wait, wasn’t a GeoJSON file just a text file?

So I can just open it as a text file to get an idea of its contents?
Well seen :-)

Hence, also use it in versioned workflows?
Didn’t hear that. (Cool, though…)

Let’s just look at the top 7 lines of the file:

"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "habitatstreams",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "river_name": "WOLFPUTBEEK", "source": "VMM" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 4.05452, 50.8191468 ], [ 4.0544892, 50.8191765 ], [ 4.0543343, 50.8192157 ], [ 4.0541273, 50.8193985 ], [ 4.0540904, 50.8196061 ], [ 4.0541332, 50.8199122 ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "river_name": "OUDE KALE", "source": "VMM" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 3.5944035, 51.0797983 ], [ 3.5943438, 51.0797931 ], [ 3.5940242, 51.0797446 ], [ 3.593868, 51.0797255 ], [ 3.5938178, 51.079713 ], [ 3.5937577, 51.0796981 ], [ 3.5935501, 51.0796061 ], [ 3.5933518, 51.0794966 ], [ 3.5932562, 51.0794359 ], [ 3.5932225, 51.0794097 ], [ 3.5931799, 51.0793764 ], [ 3.5931636, 51.0793498 ] ] } },
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "river_name": "VENLOOP", "source": "EcoInv" }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 4.6455959, 51.1934881 ], [ 4.6456818, 51.1932687 ], [ 4.6452152, 51.1932051 ], [ 4.6451504, 51.1931441 ], [ 4.6451933, 51.1928692 ] ] } },

You can see it basically lists the feature attributes and the coordinates of the lines’ vertices, with each feature starting on a new line.

Compare the coordinates with those of the sf object habitatstreams above: the data have automatically been transformed to WGS 84!

Note: in order to be still manageable (text file size, usage in versioning systems) it seems wise to use GeoJSON for more simple cases – points and rather simple lines and polygons – and use the binary GeoPackage format for larger (more complex) cases.

Reading a GeoJSON file

Just do this:

habitatstreams_test <- st_read("habitatstreams.geojson")
## Reading layer `habitatstreams' from data source 
##   `/media/floris/DATA/git_repositories/tutorials/content/tutorials/spatial_standards_vector/habitatstreams.geojson' 
##   using driver `GeoJSON'
## Simple feature collection with 560 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: LINESTRING
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 2.698642 ymin: 50.7282 xmax: 5.855562 ymax: 51.49979
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

Same story as for the GeoPackage: other geospatial software will (or should) be able to open the GeoJSON format as well, as it’s an open and well established standard.

From the message of st_read() you can see the CRS is WGS 84 (EPSG-code 4326) - this is always expected when reading a GeoJSON file.

If you want to transform the data to another CRS, e.g. Belgian Lambert 72 (EPSG-code 31370), use sf::st_transform():

habitatstreams_test %>% 
## Simple feature collection with 560 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: LINESTRING
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 33097.92 ymin: 157529.6 xmax: 254039 ymax: 243444.6
## Projected CRS: BD72 / Belgian Lambert 72
## First 10 features:
##        river_name   source                       geometry
## 1     WOLFPUTBEEK      VMM LINESTRING (127857.1 167681...
## 2       OUDE KALE      VMM LINESTRING (95737.01 196912...
## 3         VENLOOP   EcoInv LINESTRING (169352.7 209314...
## 4         VENLOOP   EcoInv LINESTRING (169633.6 209293...
## 5     KLEINE NETE   EcoInv LINESTRING (181087.1 208607...
## 6     KLEINE NETE   EcoInv LINESTRING (180037.4 208360...
## 7     KLEINE NETE   EcoInv LINESTRING (180519.9 208595...
## 8     KLEINE NETE   EcoInv LINESTRING (187379.9 209998...
## 9  RAAMDONKSEBEEK extrapol LINESTRING (183545.6 192409...
## 10    KLEINE NETE   EcoInv LINESTRING (183516.4 208261...

  1. DOI = Digital Object Identifier. See↩︎

  2. Though GeoJSON 2008 is obsoleted, the now recommended RFC7946 standard is still officially in a proposal stage. That is probably the reason why GDAL does not yet default to RFC7946. A somehow confusing stage, it seems. ↩︎